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"Where words leave off, music begins." - Heinrich Heine

Cowboys from Hell

The Cowboys are coming to town! Close all stores, keep your kids at home and put the mirror away. The wild riders from hell are letting their colts loose.
When Irniger, Bloechlinger and Bosshard perform together, no one treads on the other´s feet. The Trio rambles on musically through different styles and legendary tunes, like a blizzard through the streets. Audacious arrangements are put in place to blow away ceilings and roofs - rough play is the programme. Funk grooves steam under a endless sky of oscillating soundscapes, the spirits rock, the Cowboys cheer.
"This unconventional Trio is like a solid cold shower. Bam!"  The Cowboys From Hell have been influenced by the likes of Frank Zappa, Rage Against The Machine, Massive Attack, Screaming Headless Torsoes and Pantera. With their fresh and committed music, their unconventional application of electronics and their relentless joy and energy in playing together, the Trio shakes the clubs they play in and fascinate the audiences alike.

Featured on

Running Man
Cowboys from Hell